A quick note of extreme thanks for your continued diligence in following the COVID-19 protocols and procedures these last 16 months. Thanks to your commitment to the overall safety of our entire TRRA community, we have been able to maximize our on water opportunities throughout this pandemic and provide some much needed community engagement and activity for everyone in our community. Thank you for doing your part to keep our entire community safe.
As the summer season approaches and protocols and guidelines are evolving, TRRA will be updating our protocols as well. For the purposes of these updates, “Fully Vaccinated” will be defined as follows:
People are considered fully vaccinated for COVID two weeks after they have received the final dose of their vaccination sequence.
The following updates took effect on June 1, 2021:
Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer be required to wear a mask while outdoors on TRRA campus property.
Unvaccinated individuals are still required to wear a mask while outdoors and while rowing/paddling in non-household team boats.
Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer be required to wear a mask indoors on TRRA Campus property.
Unvaccinated individuals will still be required to wear masks while indoors.
Daily Procedures & Protocols:
Daily Screening - Pre-Arrival: TRRA strongly recommends that all individuals continue to complete a daily screening questionnaire before coming to TRRA property. If you are feeling unwell or have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness, please stay home.
Daily Screening - Arrival On Campus: TRRA will be suspending on the on Campus screening for all individuals. Again, if you are feeling unwell before arriving on campus, please stay home.
Social Distancing:
Social Distancing will still be recommended at all times on land for all individuals in all areas (indoor and outdoors) on TRRA campuses.
Log-Book scullers/paddlers must continue to reserve launch times and equipment via the iCrew app and reservation system.
COACHES: please reserve the club equipment for their program practices at least one week in advance of the training session.
Locker Room Usage:
Locker rooms and rest rooms will be accessible with an increased capacity limit of 8 people (total) per locker room at a time.
Showers will open with a 50% capacity limit on Monday, June 7th.
Equipment Cleaning:
All boats, oars and paddles must be cleaned and/or disinfected after every use. Cleaning supplies will be made available similar to 2020.
Boats: must be washed down, inside and outside, with soap and water after every use.
Oars/Paddles: Must be disinfected after every use by dipping the handles in the Oar Cleaning Station and/or spraying with the diluted bleach solution.
Training Pods and Training Protocols:
Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer need to operate in pods.
Fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear a mask while on the water.
Unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear a mask while on the water.
Coxswains (stern coxed boats) / drummers must continue to wear a mask if there are unvaccinated individuals in the crew.
Indoor Training:
We will provide a limited number of indoor training stations (ergs, weights, etc.) on both campuses beginning on Monday, June 7th. Fully vaccinated individuals will not be required to wear masks during indoor training. Unvaccinated individuals will be required to wear a mask at all times.
Everyone who trains indoors must thoroughly clean AND sanitize the equipment they use after every training session.
We will continue to closely monitor the scientific evolution and guidance of the COVID-19 virus as well as the requirements and recommendations of public health officials and the national governing bodies of our sports. We will continue to make adjustments to our operations and procedures as needed throughout the year to ensure the overall safety and wellbeing of our entire TRRA community.
This will continue to be a work in progress and all of us need to continue to be diligent in our efforts to follow all of these protocols and procedures each and every day.
