Staff & Boards
Staff & Boards
Collegiate Rowing
TRRA is the host to three college rowing programs
Staff & Board
TRRA Staff
Matt Logue, Executive Director
Tom McNamara, Campus Manager
Brittany Bell, Development Manager
Adam Herrick, Director of Adaptive & Para Rowing
& Boathouse Keeper, Millvale
Matt Grau, Director of Youth Rowing
TRRA Board
Service in the Board of Directors is an excellent way to meet one’s volunteer obligation to TRRA. The Board meets on the third Thursday evening of each month at 6:15 PM, usually at the Millvale Training Center. Most Board members will also serve on a Board subcommittee or Board task force as well as volunteer their time at various TRRA events.
As with any non-profit Board, the Board has responsibility for developing policy, assuring the financial health of TRRA, and overseeing the execution of the organization’s goals and objectives. Most Board members are also members and row, paddle, and/or exercise regularly at TRRA. As such, they are also the ‘eyes and ears’ of the organization and provide the other Board members and staff with very valuable feedback. Membership on the Board of Directors is open to anyone interested in volunteering their time to TRRA.
A good way to be introduced to service on the Board is to volunteer on one of the Board Committees. All Board of Directors are elected by the full time membership of TRRA with the exception of the representative of the Board of Governors and the Scholastic Rowing Organization (SRO), which are appointed.​
If you would like more information about the Board of Directors, please contact
Board of Directors
Directors are elected annually by the members and normally serve a three year term.
Mike McGuire, Chair
Dr. Carol Schoenecker, Vice-Chair
Jon Reddig, Treasurer
Marilyn Walsh, Secretary
Earl Bohn
Dr. Ramona Crawford
Kate Garfinkel
Bob Heister
Tom Hudak
Nella Matthews
Judy Moser
Laurel Roberts
Molly Schneider
Ross Thomson
Board of Governors
David Figgins*
Steven Irwin
James Browne
Michael Lambert
Susan Carlson
John Lubimir
R. Bruce Cooper
Linda Metropulos
David Curry
Susan McIntosh
James Darby
Chris Ryan
James Donnell
Donald Schock
Thomas Hilliard, Jr.
Furman South III
Don Ewing
Betsy Ensminger
Randy Hockenberry
Robert Oltmanns
Kate Garfinkel
Board Committees
Advocacy & Inclusion Committee
Judy Moser, Co-Chair
Carol Schoenecker, Co-Chair
Audit & Finance Committee
Jon Reddig, Chair
Development Committee
Kelly Behan, Chair
Facilities & Equipment Committee
Nella Matthews, Chair of Facilities
Governance Committee
Kate Garfinkel, Chair
Safety Committee
Bob Heister, Chair
If you are interested in learning more about any of our Board Committees, please contact