Summer Rowing League is Back!
Summer Rowing League (SRL) is TRRA’s Social Recreational rowing league! The program consists of 90 minute practice sessions followed by a cookout. Practice times are 5:30 - 7pm & 7:00 - 8:30, Monday - Thursday. This program focuses on creating positive experiences and connections through rowing. Both beginner and experienced rowers are welcome!
Registrations for Summer Rowing League open March 15th.

St. Patrick's Day Parade
March with us in the St. Patrick's Day Parade THIS Saturday, March 11th @ 10 am!
We still need volunteers so consider marching downtown and representing TRRA! Sign up HERE.

Coxswain Clinic
TRRA will be hosting a 2-day in person coxswain clinic on March 18th & 19th from 1 - 4pm.
Register HERE!
Day One - Practice management, navigating the Allegheny River, steering and docking, and successful practice execution
Day Two - Effective technical calls, accurate drilling, race preparation and tactics, coxswain skill development, and motivational calls.

Spring Cleanup '23!
All teams will receive a list of tasks to be completed by Sunday, March 19th. All team captains should have received a list of tasks to be completed on or before Sunday, March 19th. Please reach out to Matt Logue with your team’s clean up date so that a staff member can be there to assist you.
Spring Cleanup Dates:
Saturday, March 18th @ 8 - 11am: Logbook scullers and anyone looking for additional volunteer time to clean up inside the Washington's Landing and Millvale campuses, sign up HERE
Sunday, March 19th: Team-specific outdoor tasks must be completed on or before this date.
Executive Director’s Report
Dear TRRA Community,
In the last 2 weeks, over 200 rowers, paddlers, coaches and volunteers took part in our annual Spring Safety Meetings. With the on-water season on the horizon, this level of investment in safety will go a long way towards ensuring we are as safe as possible throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who has participated in a Safety Meeting to date and a reminder that everyone should review the Safety Protocols & Procedures handbook before going on the water that can be found on the Safety Page of the TRRA website.
It is an exciting time of year and our campuses are starting to get busier by the day. We are looking forward to another great year on the water and continuing to move our programs forward with each practice and stroke.
Be well and be safe!
Matt Logue

TRRA's mission is to develop and deliver safe, sustainable, and inclusive programs and events that teach and promote the benefits of rowing and paddling to our diverse community.