Staff & Boards

Staff & Boards
Collegiate Rowing
TRRA is the host to three college rowing programs
Safety is the number one priority at Three Rivers Rowing Association. Below are links to resources and guidelines that everyone in the campus community should refer to often.
Please remember that the TRRA rules require anyone who is responsible for the safety or steering of a boat (coaches, scullers, kayakers, steers-people and coxswains) to review this material twice per year.
The Safety Committee will be working on refinements to the videos in the future, so please recognize that the format is a work in progress. Coaches, please take the time to share the videos with your coxswains (and/or your entire team).
After viewing the video, please complete the brief survey, which replaces the old sign-in sheet.
Safety Matrix Data:
Hourly temperature and wind speed
Weather.gov - Stage and flow (Sharpsburg)
Safety Matrix - Full View
Rowing Mini-Matrix (Log-Book Scullers/Pair)
Paddling Matrix: 20-Person Dragon Boat
Paddling Matrix: 10-Person Dragon Boat
Paddling Matrix: Out-Rigger Canoe/Kayak
Safety Certification links:
USRowing Safety Video (Mandatory)
​Swim test certification (Mandatory)
Suggested pools for swim tests
TRRA Sculling / Pair Certification Overview
TRRA Sculling/Pair Certification Checklist
Crew Leader: Sculling/Pair Application
More Safety resources:
TRRA Safety Protocols and Procedures
Dragon Boat Guideline for Emergencies
Flood Levels in relationship to the bays at the Washington's Landing Campus:
23 feet gets into the lower bays (beneath the parking lot).
26 feet gets to approximately the first rack in the lower bays and breaches the pavement in front of the upper bays (college bays & sculling bay).
27 feet gets to the entrance of the upper bays.
28 feet breaches the upper bays.
A reminder regarding lights: if you plan to row before or after sunset, the new light rule requires bow and stern lights to be affixed to the shell. A spotlight must also be carried in any coaching launch in the dark.
Please use caution as you take to the water early in the season, as the cold, fast-moving waters of Spring present special safety challenges.
SEASONAL SAFETY MEETING RECORDING: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oEDj2dGM5dF4i-IouFSwbdqOIDsvOC5v/view