Safety Spotlight #7
October 19, 2022
Cold Weather Exemption
Sculling Certifications halt
COVID-19 Update
Air Temperature
Nov 1 PFD Requirement
Boat Lights
Now that the weather is starting to take a turn towards cooler and winter-like conditions, here are a few quick and important safety reminders and best practices:
PFD now required for all Scullers/Pairs while water is under 60 degrees:
All scullers rowing without a safety launch are now required to wear a PFD for the entire duration of their outing. Independent scullers must provide their own PFDs. Recommended products can be found here:
Cold Water Exemption Request:
Individuals or individual program coaches that wish to row or paddle small boats when the water temperature is below 50 degrees can apply for an exemption if the following criteria are met:
The combination of the water and the air temperature must be 90 degrees fahrenheit or higher.
Individual scullers or paddlers must be TRRA Sculling/Paddling Level 3 certified.
River Flow is less than 29.9 KCFS (Zone 1).
All requests are at the discretion of the Executive Director.
Sculling Certification Checklist Tests ending for the season:
Now that the water is below 60 degrees we will halt sculling certification tests which include right and re-enter or straddle/paddle methods of self rescue. Weather permitting, certification tests with PFD can still be conducted in Zone 1.
COVID-19 Update:
We are in the process of finalizing our winter training protocols and procedures for the upcoming indoor season. These protocols and procedures will be updated in phases to ensure the safest training environment possible. We will announce these protocols and procedures in early November.
In the meantime, anyone who is feeling sick or has symptoms of any illness (flu, head cold, COVID, etc.) should stay home until symptoms subside.
Monthly Reminders:
Temperature Dropping: All athletes and coaches should make sure they have appropriate layers to account for the dropping temperatures. Bringing a spare set of dry clothes to change into after a row or paddle is a best practice everyone should adopt.
Seasonal Life Jacket Requirement: Beginning on November 1, all coxswains required to wear a PFD while on the water. This requirement is in effect November 1 through April 30th.
Boat Lights: Daylight is coming later each morning and disappearing earlier each night. All boats (shells, dragon boats, kayaks, launches, etc.) must have the proper lighting when on the water in low light situations. RowKraft lights (or the technological equivalent approved by the TRRA Executive Director) must be properly mounted on the boat and stern of each boat.
Questions, Comments, Concerns: As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns about any of this, or other safety protocols or procedures, please reach out to Matt Logue at any time.
