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March 2021: Community Update

Matt Logue, Executive Director

I hope that everyone is doing well and was able to enjoy some of the nice weather outside this past weekend!

Over the last few weeks, our staff has been working diligently to prepare for the 2021 water season. We are continuing to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the return to sport guidelines and are updating our T.R.A.P. 2021 plan accordingly. As of right now, we are aiming to begin on-water programming on Monday, March 15th...conditions permitting!

Over the next few days, we will be sharing the full details of the T.R.A.P. 2021 protocols and procedures along with the 2021 registration links for membership and team programming. Some of the updates in the T.R.A.P. 2021 protocols and procedures include:

  • Enhanced daily screening protocols.

  • Masked, non-household team boat rowing in 4+/x’s or 6-people per Dragon Boat.

  • Podded programming structure with a maximum of 9-athletes per pod.

  • Social distancing and strict cleaning procedures will continue

  • Indoor training (ergs, body circuits, stretching, etc.), indoor weightlifting, and use of the showers will remain prohibited as we begin the season.

I know that everyone is looking forward to returning to the water and we cannot wait to see everyone safely returning to our campuses. It is critical to keep in mind that COVID-19 is still a threat to our community and our operations. Everyone must continue to approach every trip to a TRRA Campus with a safety-first mindset and a commitment to ensuring the overall wellness of our community. The light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is visible and we all must remain patient and diligent to ensure we reach that light.

Be on the lookout for more details and information in the next few days and dust off the cold weather rowing and paddling gear...Spring is coming!

Be well,

Matt Logue

Executive Director


Save the Date for TRYR Boathouse Trivia Night, Saturday, April 10 at 7pm. Put a team of 2, 4, or 8 together and join TRYR for a night filled with tacos from Baby Loves Tacos, drinks curated by Lucky Sign Spirits, and virtual trivia. Boathouse Trivia Night is taking the place of the 2021 TRYR Gala.

Aside from Trivia Night, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Enter the Grand Prize Raffle for a chance to win a $2,500 travel voucher with Upon A Star Travel and $500 cash.

  • Choose items from The Giving Tree to purchase for the team.

  • Bid on baskets in our online, silent auction.

All funds raised will go directly to the Three Rivers Youth Rowing team to help provide scholarships and purchase equipment.

Tickets will be available very soon. Thank you for your support!


The TRRA Campus Crews are returning in 2021 and picking up right where we left off in 2020. These crews are groups of volunteers with specific focus areas designed to help maintain and elevate TRRA impact and operations. Each crew is open to anyone interested in volunteering and engaging with TRRA off the water. Please use the registration link below to join one of the crews! Here is a list of the current Campus Crews:

  • The Green Crew: Identifying ways TRRA can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

  • The Preservation Crew: Cataloging the history of TRRA and finding ways to make our history more visible on our campuses and in our community.

  • The Boathouse Crew: Assisting with the upkeep of the interior of our boathouses.

  • The Grounds Crew: Assisting with the upkeep of the exterior of our boathouses.

  • The Race Crew: Assisting with the race operations for all TRRA events.


The TRRA Book Club hosted by the DEI Committee is getting ready to choose their next book! If you would like to participate in the book club or help choose the next book, please complete this form:

The TRRA Book Club is open to everyone and we hope you can join us for our next conversation!

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