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TRRA Safety Spotlight #1


Safety Spotlight #1

September 1, 2021

Sculling / Pair Certification:

Earlier this year, TRRA announced a new sculling certification system for our community. This new system immediately ignited an engaging conversation across multiple levels of our organization. Any conversation about safety is a conversation worth having.

Over the last few weeks, we have listened to your feedback, explored additional methods and resources, and are now presenting an updated Sculling/Pair Certification process for TRRA. Please click the link below for a full overview of the certification process. Items to note:

  • Multiple Self-Rescue methods can be chosen from.

  • A formalized “Buddy System” for safe rowing

  • Revised recertification schedule based on the Masters age categories.

I would like to thank everyone who engaged in the conversation to improve this certification process and enhance the overall safety of our entire community.


COVID-19 Update - Protocols and Procedures:

COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Allegheny County. Regardless of vaccination status, breakthrough cases continue to be a risk to our entire community. Given this, the following protocols and procedures will go into effect beginning on Saturday, September 4, 2021:

  • Masking will be required indoors at all times (this includes while working out in a team setting).

  • Masking is recommended while outdoors on TRRA campuses, until in a boat or at a socially distanced workout station.

We will continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic closely and provide as needed updates based on public health requirements and best practices to keep our entire community safe.


Seasonal Reminders:

As we start the Fall Season, here are a few brief but important reminders for all coaches and athletes:

  • USRowing Safety Video: All new athletes are required to watch the USRowing Safety Video within their first week of rowing. It is strongly recommended that all athletes rewatch the video each season to keep this valuable information fresh. Here is a link: USRowing Safety Video

  • ZONE 5 (For all collegiate and Youth programs): With the start of the new season, each program that anticipates rowing in Zone 5 will have to go through all of the Zone 5 rowing procedures before launching in Zone 5 conditions. The Zone 5 procedures are outlined in Section 3.3.3 of the TRRA Safety Handbook

  • Fall Safety Meeting: TRRA will be hosting a virtual Fall Safety Meeting on the dates listed below. Attending one of these meetings is required of all rowers, paddlers, and coxswains who have been participating in TRRA activities this calendar year and did not attend the Spring Safety meeting, however, all members are strongly encouraged to attend. Zoom links for each meeting will be posted by September 4th.

    • Tuesday, September 14th at 7pm

    • Saturday, September 18th at 11am

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300 Waterfront Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

412-231-TRRA (8772)


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