Dear TRRA Community,
With September seemingly flying by, I would like to share a few quick updates and reminders with you. Thank you all for your continued support and engagement with TRRA as we move through this fall season. Be safe and be well! Matt Logue Executive Director
T.R.A.P. PHASE: TRRA continues to operate in phase 3.0. We are keeping a close eye on local guidelines and COVID-19 data. We will continue to make adjustments accordingly that are in line with the guidelines from public health officials.
iCrew REMINDERS: Below are some important iCrew reminders for all members of TRRA:
Equipment Reservations: All log-book scullers and paddlers must reserve their time and their equipment prior to arriving at the boathouse. These reservations are imperative to ensure that:
We are not exceeding campus capacity under the social distancing restrictions.
We have an accurate list of everyone who was on a TRRA campus and when they were here. Each reservation is logged in iCrews Contact Tracing report should we find ourselves in a situation where contact tracing is required.
Equipment is available and accounted for prior to each row.
Reservation, Cancelations & No-Shows: If you are unable to keep a reservation you made, please cancel that reservation immediately so that space and equipment can be made available to another community member.
Sign Out / Sign In: EVERYONE MUST SIGN OUT PRIOR TO EACH ROW/PADDLE AND SIGN BACK IN ONCE YOU HAVE RETURNED TO CAMPUS AFTER THE ROW/PADDLE. Please use the On-the-Water-Log in the iCrew app to sign out and in after each water session.
Equipment Overlap: We are aware of multiple instances of equipment being double booked and notices are not being sent out. Our coaches have been working collaboratively to ensure that there will be no double booking between programs.
As a reminder: programs have priority usage of Club owned equipment during that program's scheduled practice time. This is not a new policy nor is it a policy we will be changing. Between the fact we are limited to only one boat class and the introduction of the new boat reservation system, we were bound to encounter some speed bumps and frustrations. Our coaches are working diligently to ensure current reservations are not disrupted and are releasing equipment they will not need for daily programming as early as they responsibly can.
Repair Log: If you are using a Club boat and are using the Repair Log to report an issue, please be as detailed as possible about that issue so that we can efficiently and effectively address it. We have received multiple reports along the lines of “broken shoes” and “rigger issues” that are not very helpful and our reduced staff ends up investing more time than necessary deducing the true issue. Help us keep the fleet operational and provide as much detail on these reports as possible.
HOTO 2020: Registration for HOTO 2020 will be open no later than Thursday, September 17th! We are casting a large net and offering a number of on water and on land events designed to foster an engaging, inclusive, and competitive experience for our entire community. Please share the event with your friends and networks and encourage them to register.
MASTERS TOWN HALL: A reminder that TRRA will be hosting a virtual Masters Town Hall this Saturday at 12 noon. Click the link below to register and submit any questions or topics you would like discussed on the form.
BOARD NOMINATIONS: If you or someone you know is interested in running for the TRRA Board of Directors, today is the last day for nominations to be received. If you have not done so already, please complete the TRRA Board Nomination form below. The TRRA Governance Committee will follow up with each nominee in the next few weeks.