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Help sustain rowing and paddling in Pittsburgh during the TRRA Annual Appeal


Thanks to your generosity and continued support, over 1,500 youth and adults were able to experience the sports of rowing and paddling with Three Rivers Rowing Association in 2022. With your support, students took their first strokes on the water, adults raced their first dragon boat, and our Adaptive program saw the biggest number of new athletes in the last five years. On the behalf of everyone who launched from our docks this year, thank you.

Here are some of our 2022 highlights:

  • Our inaugural First Row 2.0 program partnered with the Neighborhood Academy and introduced rowing to their middle school students. The 16-week program utilized a custom indoor curriculum and culminated in a 3-week on water summer camp.

  • Three Rivers Youth Rowing qualified three crews for the 2022 Youth National Championships and saw impressive gains both in on-water performance and program growth.

  • Our Masters rowers continued to represent TRRA with pride and power turning in strong performances throughout the region in races such as the Independence Day Regatta, Diamond States Regatta, Midwest Summer Sprints, the Head of the Charles and Head of the Schuylkill regattas.

  • Our Adaptive & Para Rowing program got the most amount of water time in the program's history and took the largest group of competitors and volunteers to the Bayada Regatta in the last 10 years.

  • Both the Pittsburgh Paddlefish and Hearts of Steel dragon boat programs saw increases in participants and continued to compete with pride at multiple events throughout the summer and the fall seasons.

Today we embark on our year-end campaign. Our goal is to increase our programming to reach over 2,000 participants in 2023 by raising $30,000 by December 31st. And we cannot do it without your help.

We are reaching out to you because you have already demonstrated your commitment to our mission. Would you be willing to make a special year-end contribution of $50, $100 or other amount to help us create more access and opportunities for communities in southwestern Pennsylvania to experience our sports of rowing and paddling?

With your support, we can impact the lives of countless people in a lasting way on and off the water.

Please join us by making your gift using our on-line donation form. Together, we can grow our community of rowers and paddlers, and strengthen our bodies and minds.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best Wishes,

Matt Logue

Executive Director

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