In an effort to increase transparency and communication with Membership, the Board of Directors is planning to regularly publish our minutes and Executive Director report via iCrew. Periodically, Board activities will be featured in one of the TRRA newsletters so you can learn more about the Board and the work of our subcommittees.
Our current number one priority is increasing the club’s cash flow,
If you’d like to donate, please click here [[insert link]]. Every little bit helps!
Want to get involved? Volunteers are welcome on our Board Committees or Campus Crews. Anyone can join. Committees are listed below, along with the name of the current chairperson.
Advocacy & Inclusion Committee - Carol Schoenecker
Audit & Finance Committee - Jon Reddig
Development Committee - Kate Garfinkel
Facilities & Equipment Committee - David Figgins
Governance Committee - Herb Kolbe
Safety Committee - Bob Heister
Building & Grounds Crew - email to
Race Crew -email to
How to contact us:
For more information about the Board of Directors, please email:
The Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:15 pm at the Millvale Training Center, and on occasion holds its meetings virtually. Club members and other interested individuals are welcome to attend to observe the meeting and meet the members.
Minutes from the prior month’s meeting and the Executive Director’s Report presented at the last meeting, including updates from all standing and current special committees, are now available via iCrew Documents.
The current Three Rivers Rowing Association Bylaws, with information about your Board, can be found